My name is


February 2006 - December 2020


Yun Hee got me from one of her friends and brought me home to meet Trebor.  We all got to be nice friends.  Then a few days later, out of nowhere came this big man, a stranger.  I barked at him, trying to let Yun Hee and Trebor know that a stranger was in the house, but neither of them came to help me.  I barked louder and harder but the big man kept coming closer to me.  He kept saying “This is MY house”, but I had not seen him anywhere in the last five days.  I finally ran out my little doggie door, knowing he could not follow me through such a small space, and continued barking as loud as I could.  Yun Hee eventually explained to me that Michael had been away on a business trip, and Trebor actually picked me up and took me way too close to the big man.  I was still not at all comfortable with the big guy, and I spent a lot of time outside for the next few days.  I eventually got to know him better, and now we are good friends.

I died in my sleep December 29 2020. Michael had fed me at about 4:00pm and gave me my congestive heart failure medicine. Around 5:00pm I was coughing and Michael came up to check on me. I needed to go outside to do my business and wanted his help, but he did not understand. I went outside anyway. The temperature was really cold, below freezing, near zero. I tried to get back inside, but I could not. I laid down on the brick patio just below the bottom brick step leading up to my doggie door. Yun Hee found me just after 6:30pm and called for Michael. As Michael picked me up, I twitched a bit. Michael decided I was still alive but just really cold. He took me inside and laid me down near the heat vent. Yun Hee petted my head, Michael petted my back. I stretched my legs, and Michael massaged my legs. I gasped for a big breath of warm air, and Michael rubbed my chest. I started to breathe again with regular breaths, but I still did not completely responsive to them. Yun Hee and Michael continued to pet me. They were crying. Eventually, Michael said, “Let’s let him rest.” He told Yun Hee “I don’t think he’s going to make it to through the night.” They left and I went to sleep.