My Family Tree Database


My Family Tree Database is a private family tree database.

Registration to Family Trees is free.  Registration however is limited to people who are already listed in the database.  If someone in your 'Family' told you about Family Trees, then they might have already added you to the database.  Once you register you will have access to all the data in the database and the ability to edit your own data.

The registration process will attempt to match the information you provide here with information already in the database.  If a match is successful you will be registered.  If a match is close you may be asked additional questions in an attempt to complete your registration.  If a match cannot be made you will be instructed on how to get assistance if you believe you are in the database.  Remember, someone else added your basic information and they may not have entered it exactly the way you would have.

Please enter your name (This is your full birth name)

Last Name:
First Name:
Middle Name:

(Return to the Welcome Screen)